Who says Li Ronghao sings a flavor, Jolin changes him

ring er to dance than to dance.
To go to work is better than to dance.
To go to school is better than to dance.
What a ghost! Xiaobian is inexplicable,
hey up ~ ~ ~ to send Kelly Chans better dance,
we feel,
this kind of rhythm all up,
hair thrown up,
thrown up,
thrown up! We come Li Ronghao version of ugly eight strange producer in writing,
it is always his own song style inheritance to the singer,
when ugly eight strange this song just published,
small does not see music,
you can hear the Li Ronghao taste.
In his recent concert at Li Ronghao,
he covered the ugly eight.
Xiaobian I minute points out,
which is the Li Ronghao version,
which is Joker version.
Netizens ridicule # # can sing the original was ok,
before Joker to write ugly eight strange,
to write model themselves,
and now you sing so beautifully,
it is a lovely Boy.
In fact,
many producers always make their own imag

State Press and Publication Administration of radio overweight game supervision

ring game on the line,
it should be reported to the Ministry of culture,
but also to the State Press and Publication Administration of radio and television reported.
The game industry will continue long regulation situation,
reporter Qin min online game industry is booming,
the State Administration of press and Publication Administration of the game increasingly overweight.
Following the February 4th web publishing service management regulations will be included in the scope of game management,
the State Administration of press and publication in June 2nd announced the official website of the notice on the mobile game publishing service management (hereinafter referred to as the notice),
strengthen the supervision of network game.
Notice requirements,
the unit in the game online game publishing services including beta at least 20 working days prior to the State Administration of pre

[loud] what was it that made him read the Analects of Confucius?

ring lley star Peter Till (Peter Thiel) accused the media gossip about Gawker continues,
even has always been cautious of Jeff Bezos (Jeff Bezos) could not bear to speak,
at the Recode conference,
the electricity supplier giant in expressing some exhortation meaning: continue if you want revenge,
is tantamount to dig two graves.
That one is for you.
Translated into the Analects of Confucius for politics in Confucius is: attack heresy,
have also been injurious.
Bezos also gives some advice about life: if you cant stand criticism,
dont do anything new or interesting.
No matter what you do in the world,
there will always be critics.
You cant stop these criticisms.
Keep moving.
Theres no need to get insomnia for criticism.
Business Insider with the Washington Post,
perhaps Bezos media bosses identity that he attaches great importance to the protection of the freedom of p

In the car accident middle school, good Google automatic driving car will now automatically honk

ring ported on June 3rd,
according to foreign media reports,
the Google team recently announced that its automatic car has been able to forward vehicles or pedestrians honking.
Google auto driving is smarter,
now automatically horn,
according to reports,
in the monthly progress report on automatic vehicle development,
Google disclose unmanned vehicles to achieve the horn warning function.
Googles report also pointed out that,
according to different circumstances,
auto driving horn sound is also different.
If a car in front of the car is reversing toward itself,
the unmanned vehicle will issue two shorter whistles,
with a relatively small noise,
as a good gesture to inform the other side of the vehicle.
But in an emergency,
no one can make a long,
long horn.
Google automatic driving car to polite honking,
as Google in the report pointed out,
our goal is to automatically drive a car to be pol

Bar on the richest man Wang Jianlin Wanda is Disney's opponent?

ring above the Tencent finance,
experience more exciting content,
one is from the real estate into a tourist complex,
started from the cartoon animation,
Wanda Group Chairman Wang Jianlin called Disney tiger JiaBuZhu wolves in the collision of the business logic,
Wanda is Disneys rival? This article copyright by Tencent finance pillow finance all,
reprinted please indicate from WeChat number: Pillow Finance (ID: pillowfinance),
and attached to WeChat two-dimensional code.
Or contact us for authorization.
(micro signal: bnu-king) and Disney tore open after Wanda Wanda Group Chairman Wang Jianlin said publicly challenge Disney,
should not be Chinese,
and asserted that Disney in the Chinese unprofitable 20 years later,
Wanda and Disney around the theme park you come to me to carry out several rounds of confrontation.
The face of Wang Jianlins not good and then Nanchang Wanda city o

Mistresses are losing their jobs

ring he top concern,
Tencent finance,
to experience more exciting content,
lead Chinas second mistress village status: depression,
mistresses are unemployed.
The man was gone again,
the purse was empty again,
and the house changed again.
Mistresses are unemployed,
they are like a kind of property attached to the wealthy businessmen,
facing the risk of being stripped at any time.
According to the electronic newspaper on June 1st news: basic salary China rising,
plus strike,
sabotage events such as news,
Taiwanese investment in the mainland,
the business environment has deteriorated,
had become a choice.
by the export processing industry under the impact of migration,
known as little Hongkong reputation of the Guangdong Dongguan Zhangmutou town market become depressed,
even has always been famous in the Pearl River Delta kept woman village is becoming extinct,

Real estate is really crazy

ring above the Tencent finance,
experience more exciting content: following the May madness after a fierce battle,
the first day of the property market in June will usher in the reign of terror! Less than a months time,
Shanghai land auction guaranteed price of the most expensive land of the crown was three degree change! People all over the country have pleaded,
you think only Shanghai western style! We also see the king every day when we open our eyes! Among them are Nanjing,
and even Taiyuan and Dongguan! Shanghai property market,
very thin Si fear: the Liu Xiaobo Shanghai market once again came the big news on the morning of June 1st,
the land auction,
a residential and commercial land Baoshan District Gu village to ultra expensive XinDa estate into bad debts.
Among them,
the sale of commercial housing floor price reached 48 thousand and 100 yuan

Mobile Internet bonus period has passed App, the next growth opportunity hidden here

ring is full of Taobao App for mobile phones.
If you are a product manager,
you need to slim down for the product.
Would you consider first which product features or modules will be removed? This is a question written by Alibaba product manager in 2016.
No matter how the functions of hand washing products change,
there is a seemingly unimportant function that has not been replaced.
The function is daily check-in of gold coins.
Gold coins on-line in December 2009,
is the virtual integration of Taobao.
Gold coin is located in the center of the hand navigation page,
and occupies the same entrance status as Tmall and Juhuasuan.
An almost no need to worry about the daily life of App,
but so much attention to integral operations.
In 2014,
Chen Xiaoliang created a scoring tool.
The founder of the gold coin was dug by Chen Xiaoliang and became a trading partner.
On-line half a year,
the exchange

Former England striker Manchester United will play an important role in the national team

ring United fans network Oh can subscribe according to Goal.
com news,
the former England striker Heskey believes Manchester United duo of Rush Forde and Smolin in the 2016 European Cup will become an important part of the team.
Details please click to read the original.
! Welcome to the United fans net official WeChat menu bar Manchester United news information to obtain first-hand information to register Manchester United fans can be registered as a member,
and fifty thousand Reds fans interact more chance to get the official version of the United players Signed Jersey (including club official certificate).
Click to read the original text only for you not to miss more content,
micro signal WWWMUREDSCOM long,
according to identify two-dimensional code,
pay attention to us

Leicester City tactics analyst Jose Manchester United will reach high levels

ring United fans network Oh can subscribe according to thepeoplesperson news,
Leicester City tactical analyst Adam Sadler said that Manchester United next season under Mourinho will reach a high level.
The details please click to read the original.
! Welcome to the United fans net official WeChat menu bar Manchester United news information to obtain first-hand information to register Manchester United fans can be registered as a member,
and fifty thousand Reds fans interact more chance to get the official version of the United players Signed Jersey (including club official certificate).
Click to read the original text only for you not to miss more content,
micro signal WWWMUREDSCOM long,
according to identify two-dimensional code,
pay attention to us

Up and down five thousand years on Chinese heroes

ring of history rolls forward,
and the progress of human society is rooted in the past.
And those who turn the corner,
eventually end up in self consumption.
But Li Bai said,
lash the waves of water to flow,
drinking more unhappy.
Want to turn over an article,
which is so easy? It just means hes not right.
In fact,
the Chinese nation in the article on this matter,
there is a profound evolution of routines,
learn to block with a hundred,
let your life each encounter bottlenecks are shirupozhu.
The following is to talk about me in Chinese history,
the most will turn to the outstanding figures are what they are special.
The client could not take,
let fall through the battle of Julu,
Xiang Qin is famous the world the glory of war.
As a classic case of win,
Xiang Yu was not only face the problem of few.
He led the army is just ate a big defeat Qin war five residue,
can last what turned agai

10 quick overnight can eat pickled cabbage

ring  kimchi is not only a special kind of porridge,
but also a perfect appetizer.
You will find many ingredients and pickles,
pickled cabbage need long time to complete the marinade.
In fact,
homemade pickled cabbage super quickly,
most only overnight fix,
2 minutes to complete the more rapid version! For you today 10 of these,
the reading will be able to do tomorrow morning,
eat porridge and pickles,
right? Three maintenance methods to teach you today will be pickled cabbage jar,
worth yo ~ - Honey Lemon pickled fresh vegetables -- ByPan microwave Xiaoyue two minutes,
pickled cabbage is delicious! With a faint lemon scent,
its really refreshing.
-- -- all materials can be eaten raw vegetables 200 grams of lemon 2-3 cold boiled water 1 cup white vinegar 3 tablespoon honey 2 tablespoons of salt,
black pepper,
practice -- vegetables cut into small easy entrance,
put a few slices of lemon.
I u

Did you have a good time after your marriage? (99 of the women were crying.)

ring  what,
will suddenly confused.
Did you have a good time after your marriage? For him,
left the parents,
brothers and sisters,
followed him to his world,
hard to please his family,
but also with a smile! Will be like a lost child,
subversion of more than 20 years of life.
For him,
he conceived in October,
and gave birth once,
willing to accept the pain he could not imagine,
just for the sake of a child who followed his surname.
Then very realistic,
body deformation,
chest drooping,
he will suddenly abandon? For him,
for the sake of the children,
and even you away from your circle of friends,
said silly three years to have a child,
you are like a silly woman like to serve childrens eating and sleeping at home,
then eagerly waiting for him to come home.
Once you have pride,
you will have a dream,
you have the beautiful flower,
finally you did not do,
no allure,
but you pour all your.
For h

You have 1 unread messages

ring t completely satisfactory life difficult everywhere friends do not compete with each other with sincerity in all to fit properly than housing than the size to warm the body than fat to health and wealth than how to be thrifty car than to get fame looks ugly than May you be safe throughout the journey.
to balance the mentality than to a luxury life this is a few truth,
if you also think that it must be for everyone to see! Source: Network

These children are not shallow, but many parents are still using it

ring sure dad Baoma - - - is usually not often listen to the older generation say something about childrens slang proverb? For example,
to have children,
a sweat is dry,
three turn seven sit eight climb,
do not fight for three days,
ending expose tile to children,
three of hunger and cold like the old truth,
it is the older generation to stay experience ah.
In advocating science with the baby today,
you do not know treasure dad Baoma is fully agree with these old truth? Heres a small inventory of those who have no scientific basis for the soil method.
scraping eyebrow can make black eyebrows? Babys skin is delicate eyebrows also does not say,
if a tremor,
the root of baby scratching eyebrows,
eyebrows after the position and form is likely just a knife change,
scratch the skin even more trouble,
light to cause infection and ulceration,
heavy baby can be no longer no ey

Reveal the population distribution of Chinese surnames and see where your base camp is

ring :zsyd88,
87% of Chinas population share 100 surnames,
more than 1/5 Chinese (about 2 million 750 thousand people),
Xing Li,
Wang or zhang.
Three major China: Li,
Wang and Zhang in the northern province of Chinese occupy a large proportion of the Han inhabited area.
Chen is mainly distributed in the southeastern provinces,
and Ma are mainly distributed in the northwestern province of many muslims.
According to the region,
in the southern region (Fujian and Taiwan,
Guangdong and Guangxi) Chen is in the first place,
the region accounted for 10.
57% of the population; in the Yangtze River region (Zhejiang Anhui Jiangxi Hunan Hubei Sichuan Yunnan Guizhou) Chen ranked fourth,
accounting for 4.
86% of the population in the region; in the northern region (except South of Yangtze River,
outside the house Chen) seventh,
the region accounted for 2.
51% of the population.
From Fujian,
Taiwan province

Don't eat these greedy children prone to congenital malformation

ring - - - - a few days ago with a small treasure mom crying.
She said before pregnancy is love to eat barbecue,
after being pregnant is to eat,
every two days with his family to eat barbecue mutton,
Beef Kebabs,
Baked Lamp Chop etc.
The doctor had to remind her to do eugenic four examination,
but the family that eat these foods nothing serious,
it doesnt mind.
In May this year,
Yang Yang under the baby,
but the child is congenital head deformity,
the body ribs are also slightly deformed.
Doctor analysis,
fetal malformation,
and may be associated with Yang greedy barbecue infected with toxoplasmosis.
This tragedy occurs in the treasure the mothers body,
is because of her pregnancy diet taboo understanding is not enough,
do not know fetal malformation is likely Out of the mouth comes evil.
In fact,
scientists have shown that certain foods do have teratogenic effects.
The babys health is

Close Shekong claustrophobic phobophobia fear in the end is not hypocritical

ring he arrow up arrow above the reading,
pay attention to me,
I said [reading] top Jun Jun had seen reading a claustrophobic,
enter the indoor venues,
theatres or elevator,
will not own fear,
always worried about this place,
will faint,
attack a disease,
out of control,
but can not escape.
It sounds absurd and hypocritical.
Similar phobias include dense phobias,
social phobia,
and so on.
This is really hypocritical? One reads the video to tell you that fear is not hypocritical and are not,
but spare your body into thinking a way of self protection.
Dense Shekong,
fear of claustrophobic fear,
in the end is not hypocritical? (this video has been authorized to reprint the source,
read the official WeChat,
WeChat public number ID:yiduiread),
some people in the world fear different points,
such as see an electric drill,
white fungus,
and even goat beard will go crazy.
Fear is not hypoc

Promotion, pseudo two rich generation sister Liao Wen Qing female a love God

ring v_movier perception of life,
just a quarter of a small series of advertising again! When it comes to the last time here or before the Spring Festival,
is to save money to buy special purchases for the Spring Festival.
This time,
in order to contribute to find the object,
if not to dress up,
did not see on the line.
A flower,
the line is not rubbish,
I can only be a queen in the social app,
online dating is hard dressing! Well,
thats the way it is.
As the movie said,
in the virtual world,
he is by the thousands of girls all day to worship Lord it over others,
crooked national husband; in the real world,
the reality is too stingy,
he is a barber shop worker,
no car,
no house no money,
no happiness.
In fact,
he does not want much of life,
is hoping that a goddess like customers can fall in love with themselves,
I hope I can have an opportunity to express themselves.
So although the film

Li Qingzhao even if the flesh pours down the dust, also refuses to fly the heart disposition output

ring g is always so in the afternoon,
the sun light shone into the house.
The couple pointed to a pile up like a mountain hand book,
guess some allusions,
poem in a book a page,
guess who can drink a cup of freshly brewed tea.
This bet does not look attractive,
but two people had even jubilant,
tea bowls are knocked over,
who dont have to.
The winner is always Li Qingzhao.
After two year,
on the Double Ninth Festival,
Acacia boring,
but for the small words.
First the boudoir worried woman tone,
You can also see that the family is good and the details of life are exquisite.
Zhao Mingcheng see this wonderful little love letter,
heart not convinced,
racked his brains and wrote fifteen,
and wife put together,
take to friends see.
A friend said: dont ecstasy,
the west wind,
thinner than yellow.
These three sentences are best.
Zhao Mingcheng has lost his temper.
Li Qingzhao as a lit

It's probably the most scientific manuscript about leftovers

ring  dine out or cook at home,
we often have leftovers and leftovers.
Throw it,
feel pity,
but leave to the next meal to eat,
and worried that it will produce harmful substances such as nitrite,
and even worried about eating carcinogenic! So,
what is the nitrite produced in the leftovers? What exactly is better for health? What can be saved and which should not be kept? Listen to what the authoritative nutrition expert says! The associate professor of experts of China Agricultural University College of food science and Nutritional Engineering China Agricultural University he Jiguo College of food science and Nutritional Engineering Professor Shen Qun of China Agricultural University College of food science and Nutritional Engineering Director of the nutrition department associate professor Fan Zhihong Beijing Chaoyang Hospital dietitian Song Xin Dalian City Center Hospital Wang Xingguo lefto

Giraffe was sent by aliens

ring riend Shen Yuning authorized the release of some of the great theory,
we may think that the world is not right,
but it sounds bizarre,
at least -- is not so frightful to the ear as most people know,
or rewrite,
is never let most people know this is really possible.
It describes a impossible,
and it is because the description is a kind of impossible,
because that may carry the historical text possibility - that is,
those carrying should be able to completely overthrow a fact of the theory of historical text (!) - we have not been able to get so much more.
This is impossible to use more sophisticated theory to describe.
The theory is about giraffe.
Giraffe is a herbivorous animal,
a unique African ruminant cloven hoofed animal,
is the worlds tallest known terrestrial animal,
its scientific name is determined in 1758,
was named one of the founders of the Swedish Academy of Sciences

20 countries with the highest value in the world. Guess what's the number of China?

ring rst travel micro magazine,
focusing on travel Raiders,
story sharing,
click on the title below the blue word,
concerned about the global travel,
in this era of value determines everything,
the higher the value of a country,
the greater the attractiveness! Recently,
foreign netizens have chosen the 20 countries with the highest value in the world.
Guess what is the number of China? 20 Nepal Nepal,
Nepal is a God more country,
road building enough into the museum country,
and noise and complexity is only one across the street seems to become another world,
quiet and peaceful.
No matter among the hustle & flow sari,
sitting in the temple or single step,
you will touch the deepest hitherto unknown to himself.
19 Australia Australia here can be cute and unique wild animal contact,
explore the colorful coral reefs and underwater world,
along the coastline drove on,
enjoy the sparkling white sa

Recommendation number, she is so fat, with what to take the big son of the house, these micro signals tell you...

ring ly 19 years old,
but she played 12 films and performed 25 films,
and now shes worth over a million dollars.
One of the biggest charm,
it is with fat? Chloe Moretz is such a dare to love and hate,
dare to dare,
independent and confident girl,
not to mention the great,
who would not love? Here are a few public number,
wonderful waiting for you ~ we focus on boutique public number,
there is a love you long.
According to the two-dimensional code,
attention selection of two-dimensional code recognition figure.
ID:i-fashiongirl long by two-dimensional code recognition attention profile: refuse mediocrity! I am not like fireworks! Fashion trends,
providing the latest fashion information,
and collocation guide.
K Dong ID:ikingdong long press attention: two-dimensional code recognition according to the masses,
here is the capital bold topon pollution.
Makeup artist MK- ID:huazhuangshimk - ray Y

More than 3, you should go on a trip

ring l be addictive,
you pass the addiction to others,
and they do not want to quit,
long time no running away,
there will be the following symptoms,
see how many of you? 1.
do you want to work in the grid room,
you feel tired? Low efficiency? Facing the computer,
always thinking about the distance.
many things can not afford to interest,
do anything powerless,
always feel that everything does not matter,
everything in life seems to be terrible,
and have not been happy for a long time.
easy to anger and quarrel,
anger in the heart is easily ignited,
and even hysterical,
calm and then regret it.
lack of sense of existence,
inexplicable uneasiness,
want to prove themselves,
want to be recognized,
but counterproductive.
there are always procrastination,
good plans,
but often to the end of the completion or even cancel the plan,
often unable to complete wh

[posture] there are so many kinds of cameras on the road, which is illegal?

ring of surveillance cameras are becoming more and more crowded,
and every time they see it,
they have to be very careful.
In fact,
different cameras have different functions,
we work together to understand.
/ / road surveillance cameras can be divided into 5 types: the electronic police (electronic snapshot) and the bayonet flow detection and monitoring of 1 illegally parked capture the Skynet electronic police - the most common way in the camera,
the main purpose is to monitoring of red light,
illegal lane change,
take non motorized vehicles,
not to guide other illegal acts,
and you dont feel it at work.
The police power installation layout electronic police many are equipped with LED lights,
he is not bright during the day,
he will be a high frequency shining night,
we like to the naked eye is always bright,
is the kind of very dazzling lights.
The electronic moni

Shock Oscar's Chinese animated short film Ampquot resurrection Ampquot Song Dynasty Fine Brushwork Painting

ring imated short film beautiful forest has passed the first round of Oscars best animated short film.
The whole movie as background music,
not a line,
the picture is the ancient painting.
Quaint and beautiful.

Do not wait for the Dragon Boat Festival to buy this so-called Suzhou best rice dumplings, late, do not want to eat

ring  Xiaoxiao lielie female Chinese paper is a pure,
self styled play got girls play Queen,
two often possessed of God,
together with me to meet different Suzhou.
More about Su Xiaoxiao,
please add WeChat: suxiaoxiao333 business cooperation,
please add WeChat: 6260660 Suzhous best to eat dumplings! The Dragon Boat Festival is coming,
and its time to eat zongzi.
When it comes to the best local zongzi in Suzhou,
it is not a must.
For a long time,
locals describe its coordinates like this: opposite the cultural market.
Two years ago,
it was still a small shop in a garage downstairs,
and now it has contracted a big facade.
Even so,
it still can not stop people frantically queuing! The legend went on sale at 2:30 in the afternoon,
the morning someone lined up to come.
Row to line to the corner,
sit directly on the ground.
Queuing for a few hours,
buy dozens of times,
all carried home

The bathroom looks so red with my face

ring bathroom called someone elses bathroom,
and when I see it,
my face is red.
My God,
is this still the bathroom? So open,
so bold! The key is,
still so good-looking,
too envious! This round glass bath is clean and transparent.
You can see everything in the room when you take a bath,
and have fun with your lover.
The happiest thing for me is to bathe with you and chat with each other about the recent troubles and joys.
Who is this bathroom,
clear is what I want to do so too the art palace of art,
I feel shy in the wash,
just want to look at it quietly,
do not wake up in a dream.
dont tell me I can take a bath here! Look at the sea,
with a gentle breeze,
at night there are stars,
too pleasant.
Bathing in the mountains? This is too open,
I see the face is red,
shame ~ if the family has such a good bathroom,
clearly is a swimming pool,
the summer has come to soak in it all d

The wise never speak of these 4 words

ring t encounter a small thing,
you will complain all over the world.
You can occasionally complain,
but no one can complain all day,
all the day to love a woman face.
You must know that it is no use complaining a lot,
and complaining that one day is a long time without hard work.
work hard,
turn all complaints and discontent into motivation,
and give the world a strong look.
Better laugh than complain.
Some people love the nonsense encounter something and make blind and disorderly conjectures,
grew more and more bad,
more think more sad,
in the control of such pessimism,
it is easy to say something without thinking.
These words may be only for you to vent,
and afterwards you dont even remember what you said,
but it can make a big difference to the listener.
Who dares to be close to you for a long time? So the best solution is to find the problem quickly and solve the problem.
Talking a

Reading, Voltaire, that's not what I said

ring le is transferred from real instead of ID:factfirst.
The name Voltaire is not known by ordinary people.
Throughout his life he wrote extensively about philosophy,
and his plays were said to have more than 50.
Voltaire (1694 - 1778),
but whats the most impressive thing about Voltaire? Im afraid a lot of people,
this should be the sentence: This is the English version of this sentence: in fact,
Voltaire this famous English has several versions,
such as there are the following,
but almost the same meaning.
But it is a pity that what you have seen may have been wrong,
for someone swore to have read the French text of all Voltaires works and could not find it at all.
There is also,
all quote Voltaire this sentence basically can not give the original source,
not to mention the source,
and later also proved to be misunderstood.
Whats the matter? A B

A lightning spectacle shot under 7000 frames per second

ring is so fleeting that the human eye cant see its details.
But with the help of technology -- at 7000 frames per second,
these visual wonders emerge.
You will see in this 45 second video: this video from the Florida Institute of Technology earth space physics laboratory professor Liu Ningyu (transliteration) shooting,
Liu Yong,
a special camera in May 20th a storm occurred in Melbourne city in Florida.
The playback speed is 700 frames per second,
that is to say,
every 10 seconds in video is equivalent to 1 seconds in reality.
Business cooperation: 18810654934 (plus WeChat); interview: 13426093602

Dongyu Zhou, Song Ji Hyo, capture the god man's watch machine, have you learned?

ring have frequently been we love it whether the universe scraper,
CP Orange Juice fresh,
all life is more than food made of sugar,
eat non-stop / (at o on /~~) recorded programs always fly all over the world,
but the girls did not call a night out overnight,
called the move,
look at the universe CP big suitcase will know,
what to bring as many as the stars in the sky,
which one will drain to no.
Today have to check,
the girls go to travel,
what is to drop (* o *)! Concave Style Sunglasses / sunglasses have street beat artifact said,
there is no set of sunglasses LOOK,
are embarrassed to say that he is a star.
Real oversize Sunglasses really practical,
large framed Juxian is absolutely in the face,
we love in the appearance of the highest rates of a single product.
Jihyo frame is playing with some careful thinking,
with the nail color echoes Orange Juice sunglasses CP turned CP,

The Japanese in Shanghai for 8 years and took about 5000000 photos crying

ring  concept of taking 2000 photos every day?! Momoka Hirono started shooting in 08 years,
and now 8 years.
2000 x 8 x 365=584 10000,
horizontal trough! Momoka Hirono was a Japanese and was sent to Shanghai in 1999 as a technical director.
Originally scheduled to stay in China for three years,
the result will be four years,
five years to stay,
fifth years,
the company let me back to Japan,
but I have loved Shanghai,
so I quit the job.
So far,
Momoka Hirono has lived in China for seventeen years.
When he first came to Shanghai,
Momoka Hirono took his camera to live in a foreign land,
but he was not interested in photography at that time.
In February 2008,
he bought a more portable Ricoh GRDII back to Japan,
my life is completely changed.
when I will on the streets of every hue of my income when the camera will obtain the infinite pleasure.
Photography has become a religion for Momoka

Honey, I want that kind of love, too

ring rst visual magazine,
the most popular picture number,
click the title below the blue word,
pay attention to vision,
he does not have to be very handsome,
spoil me.
Come outside temptation more,
he is perfect.
So we are always close.
My dear,
I really do not hide case-dough in the teeth so that his love for me overbearing and gentle.
Feel shy,
she would be my people so my relatives and friends from his relatives and friends and also.
dont be nervous.
Its my mothers family.
How come I in his eyes are beautiful.
shall we have teeth at least? that stinks!! When we work,
he is a good worker and a strict in demands.
My dear,
come back home early in life he was a naughty funny clown.
I come to tell you a story now hide a dagger behind a smile: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha knife,
finished .
he remembers a seemingly every anniversary.
Fat boy,

Funny is a high sense of humor

ring rence review: funny is inadvertently make people laugh,
is quietly warm.
If one day unfortunately human destruction,
not because of lack of water and food,
but the lack of a sense of humor.
Humor is a life buoy in the waves of life.
In modern society,
it has become a high EQ and interesting person.
It is more attractive to the opposite sex in addition to being loved in the job market.
Think of the kind of humor you used to have when you were get,
and the kind of fun that was like forcing a blind date,
but you found Song Zhongji sitting opposite and dead! Know advanced humor and become interesting people.
What do you need? Interesting people must have their own characteristics,
not with the tide,
and if the whole world is the same,
there is no fun.
the premise of cultivating the sense of humor is to cultivate their own differences,
personality and unique characteristics,
not on

When I'm through all the pain alone, I don't want you anymore

ring irst Chinese visual magazine the most popular graphic,
click the title below the male blue visual attention chronicles the story I a person through all the hard wont think you have the story of | Jiang students from | Jiang students 01 just came to the city I is a bus will be the wrong direction people,
a chance to know her a third sister is very good,
very good care of me,
often at night to go shopping with me a snack.
She had just gone through an interview to a new company,
and sometimes she had to work overtime at night.
Call me one evening at ten.
I asked her,
where is it? She said,
overtime has just come off.
I said: what a person,
your boyfriend did not come to pick you up? She said: hes playing games in the Internet bar,
call me to take a taxi back.
Afraid that she was alone on her way home,
I played with her for more than half an hour.
She told me about the first

Guo Ailun will try his best to play the Olympic Games and enjoy the game

ring me on June 3rd news,
the end of the closed training in Ningbo,
China Mens basketball team has returned to Beijing.
In an interview,
mens basketball coach Gong Luming praised Guo Ailun,
that he can bring a new situation to the team.
Guo Shaoze said he would do his best to fight the Rio olympics.
At the London Olympics four years ago,
Guo Ailun was the youngest player on the team.
less of the country has become a mobile guardian in China and asia.
In 2015,
the Asian Championships,
it is his outstanding performance,
to help China return to the top of asia.
Speaking of the Rio Olympics,
Guo said,
just like I said,
enjoy the game.
The team and the team will try their best to play the game.
The Olympic Games are the highest competition,
the highest level competition in the world,
so enjoy the process.
Do not work as a kind of adjustment in life,
and then very happy to compl

[] remind the driver had to run over the driver's license must have to look at

ring fore,
WeChat once a traffic accident video crazy pass.
The accident is like this: a woman driving a car at the turn of the process,
another car is straight hit,
then the woman was a shock wave pop-up car,
eventually crushed his car died,
a sigh.
From the video,
it is not difficult to find,
no turning signal has sowed the seeds of her lane change when the more tragic is that she should not fasten the safety belt in a car accident,
only a moment of being thrown out of the car,
eventually led to a tragic accident.
Research shows that driving a car wearing a seat belt,
accident can save more than 40% of life.
Seat belt = life belt! Without a seat belt,
the consequences will be unimaginable.
Look at the following 6 movements! It takes only three seconds to fasten a seat belt,
but not a lifetime! Motorists are advised to fasten their seat belts and remind passengers to fasten their seat belts.

Exposure to Real Madrid Champions Zidane Benitez award 600 thousand bonus 1 million 200 thousand

ring so had a bonus.
Benitez was quite depressed last season: he coached Real Madrid and was fired in the middle of the season; instead he coached Newcastle and relegated the team to relegation.
But in the economic aspect,
Benitez does not suffer,
to dismiss him,
Real Madrid paid his season salary last season Benitez is holding the two clubs wages,
and won the Champions League trophy in Madrid,
and his bank account for more than 600 thousand euros.
Spains world sports day in the Real Madrid won eleventh crown,
Benitez earned a lot of money,
the report disclosed that Real Madrid won the Champions League,
Benitez also won a 600 thousand euros bonus.
Some people praise the club kind,
to have been fired coach also issued to win prize money,
some people said that Real Madrid is only according to the contract,
the winning prize in the contract,
but no matter how,
Benitez Real Madrid first half

A person should eat well

ring e chisel as grinding,
in all the dim weather,
you hold an umbrella,
far from here,
I was touched by you.
Like a person does not need any reason,
just because I am full of expectations,
you happen to appear.
The famous read a person also want to eat the side quietly figure / India artist Nidhi Chanani in the world may have eaten alone is not suitable for food,
for example,
dinner in the first episode of the king of Qinghai seafood.
Noodle noodle,
wrapped in chili sauce,
Scallop in Shell boil the sauce,
put in a big copper pot.
Would you like to come alone? The minimum is four.
We dont pack.
It would have been impossible to eat four people if one played it heartily.
But I cant stand the atmosphere in the store.
The other table is all friends together,
hot kiss,
the line of people outside is a group of four,
this one takes the position of the four people,
use the t

[health] sleep is white, so this is really a rest

ring fe times (ID:LT0385),
in fact,
as long as you learn to relax,
a minute can bring you physical and mental pleasure.
Come together with small,
expert tips to break the most relaxed method.
Interviewed expert: Li Jun,
associate professor of cognitive and neuroscience research at Beijing Normal University.
Do you know what kind of rest is most effective? For manual workers,
sleep can supplement energy and excrete waste from the bodys metabolism.
But for mental workers,
relaxing the nerves is the key.
Russian physiological psychologist Sechenov have done a test: he adopted two ways to eliminate fatigue is a right hand,
let both hands and rest,
two is also the right hand down the left hand appropriate activities.
He then measured his right hands fatigue by gripping his grip and found that the second method allowed the right hands tiredness to be eliminated faster.
This is because neurons

6 year old Russian girl stripped off

ring er wants baby born to be healthy,
healthy and happy lives,
and there was a 6 year old little girl dressed,
seemingly with little girl not what generally is not the same,
but we will not reveal the upper body believe their eyes to see all! Virsaviya Borun-Goncharova is a 6 year old Russian girl with brown eyes and beautiful long hair.
She has many of the interests of girls: ballet and painting.
The girls mother Dari,
painting is no problem,
but the ballet is let her sleep in the night.
For a fall or a trace of error may make her never see her beloved daughter again.
Virsaviya suffers from a rare disease: Cantrell pentalogy (Pentalogy of Cantrell),
which is an important organ growth in vitro.
Such as.
Cardiac exposure! Virsaviya was the missing piece of the sternum and diaphragm,
her heart is outside the ribs.
Because the heart had only thin skin protection,
a slight collision could

Don't be angry, Wallace Huo was foreigners too ugly, next door Korean fancy ballot more wonderful

ring tertainment Zhuangao (text /Saki planning / Yu Yu Wang) recently,
foreign sister to Chinese men artists scoring video fire.
A program invited a few foreign girl,
Wallace Huo,
Shawn Yue and Wang Kai respectively,
Luhan and Daniel Wu Chinese male artist mark.
May really be the aesthetic differences of people of all countries,
the final result is very unexpected,
Chinese many sisters and think of Wallace Huo was actually hit zero points! The old cadres were to zero on the grounds that the woman who does not love other albino painting pictures,
looks like from Star Trek in the.
Luhan because too much like the girl got 3 points,
with a blunt girl also direct evaluation of his mop hair too beautiful is wrong! To get out,
but who is KK wang.
Foreign girls bluntly want to be with Wang Kai,
without reserve.
The princess now have another foreign rival.
Program video may be the scoring resu

A man in Hangzhou who failed a courtship girl's car burn also ask people burned beauty

ring day before yesterday,
WeChat users Zumba hair circle of friends: young people impulse,
set fire to the car,
and the price paid for this is a little big.
Xiao Zhang,
is an employee of a cinema in Hangzhou.
Last year,
Xiao Zhang and Miss Li met at WeChat.
The two of them talked quite a bit and had their first date soon.
Last October 8th,
two people made a second date.
Around 4 in the morning,
two people chatted for more than an hour in front of Miss Lis home.
Xiao Zhang felt that Miss Li was his girlfriend,
but Miss Li didnt think so.
She was anxious to speak clearly with the little chapter,
and the two men quarreled about it.
Miss Li turned to go home,
but she just opened the corridor unit door,
was stopped by a small chapter,
a small chapter also turned a stretch to kick Miss Lee parked on the floor in front of a car battery unit.
Miss Li was angry and frightened.
She ran home an

Boys dormitory wonderful roommate The Legend of Zhen Huan than girls dormitory

ring p grow Association Hello,
little wife are good ah,
my room is a little sister,
and in the life time and we meet gossip ~ we sent a female version of yesterdays wonderful roommate,
boys will not today! So,
what are the wonderful stories about boys,
roommates and roommates compared to the girls? Lets have a look.
The three men are also a drama director,
the adults and the harem ladies! I would like to tell you a few wonderful works around me! I am male,
radio and television major junior student party.
The name of the school will not be mentioned,
because it is still in school,
and everyone in our class is a loyal fan of the president! All right,
dont talk too much.
Get to the point! Our bedroom is a six bed,
I only began our dormitory with two other roommates three people,
we especially Sandu hygiene,
but also specifically to buy leather floor to shop,
summer can be directly to sleep on

ring 5 days,
the years strongest fan movie wow will soon be released in the mainland.
Seat selection screenshot since last month began a variety of world of Warcraft Premiere Azolla has captured the circle of friends,
many industry insiders and the game player also shouted the 2 billion yuan at the box office is expected to.
How can we deconstruct this phenomenal film from a data perspective? Lets try to find out.
[history] before the high risk of the game as a branch of film creative sources,
adaptation of the game can be traced back to the 1993 advent of the super Mario brothers: the film with the classic Nintendo game of the same name as the original,
but from Mario the plumber and other parts of the concept,
basically for the original plot; and 20 million 920 thousand the North American box office ( and other areas of data can not be less than half the cost of producti

Walnut shells can also be used as jewelry boxes, just beautiful

ring eo | micro up position (ID:wezeit-video) copyright micro explosion in jewelry box up position all - shop owner authorized to release the walnut is beautiful! The two-dimensional code so cool not just come to see you on creative shop,
the shop owner takes you to open up position,
we can recognize the brain two-dimensional code can be read oh!

The egg killers whisk

ring ost people in Nanjing havent realized how obsessed they are with eggs.
Every year before the lunar new year,
every family of the old grandmother to take a long handle and iron spoon,
poured a little bit of a good egg,
placed in a gas stove or honeycomb briquet stove: wrist turn,
baked a round egg.
In the egg skin,
a little bag into the egg meat stuffing,
skin fold,
a golden delicious dumplings was born.
Nanjing new year eat smorgasbord,
not dumplings.
(Photo by Zhu Qian) and a spicy old Marinated Egg,
usually with a famous snack of Nanjing spiced dry brine from a pot,
raw material is anise,
soy sauce (not in tea,
put into the black astringent mouth),
halogen like tea leaf eggs,
bite up than the Q bomb,
common the more tasty,
serve tea,
The old lady is spiced eggs,
head of the Confucius temple,
has been open for 35 years,
it became a legend of halogen.
But for real

ring course subject: price,
buy knows these buy Lecturer: Tao Hongbing,
senior vice president of the chain of home real estate time: 2016.
06 (Monday) 19:30-21:30 location: Beijing City,
Chaoyang District (with address after the ticket told) class price: 299 yuan / person,
the 40 person is a complex property purchase and in great need of professional things,
filled four volt purchase process,
so many people are stuck in a quagmire.
Purchase is not simply the purchase of goods so simple,
the nature of the bulk transaction itself gave the property is not the same significance.
The standard is also different from the other,
and not just rely on a simple market cognition can realize the value of assets,
but the need of the market for many years to analyze,
correct interpretation of policy information,
product information,
location and other multi-dimensional considerations.
How can I buy a hou

The entrepreneurial challenge we live auditions anchorwoman contracted Li Kaifu Zhou Hongyi Xu Xiaoping Jiang for the first time

ring ,
the video broadcast software has become popular.
By 2016,
more and more stars were taking part in the carnival.
The webcast,
a new wave of blogs,
micro-blog and short video,
has opened up the trend of the first year of webcast.
To live,
we first thought is awl face,
high nose,
long legs and a variety show sun Hyun,
a variety of red long sawed,
gathered together under the! Down down down but with this wave of more and more popular,
the live mode is also gradually diversified.
For example: the live data down down down the dark horse Institute of the 13 opening of the surrender of a very beautiful transcript: live down here: 3 hours 1 minutes 09:45 officially began to live the number of spectators 10 thousand + 10:01! 10:22,
the number of onlookers over 30 thousand +! 10:43,
the number of onlookers over 100 thousand +! 11:01,
the number of onlookers over 200 thousand +! 11:17,
the numbe

The high-end circle of popular 3 words every phrase a gem (strongly recommended)

ring ut yourself in the wrong place! 2.
not every bird is called an eagle.
You can live by recognizing yourself! 3.
dont be too confident of yourself.
You can pick up your people more than you can think of! Recommended high-end circles are concerned about the 15 micro signals,
each classic! Reasons for concern: the birthplace of entrepreneurs,
gas stations,
China: cychina520 Ma said: the next 30 years is the best time to start,
the 4 major opportunities are here.
! Always zeroing and starting again are important entrepreneurial spirits.
The entrepreneur is a free for all,
in the enterprise has a certain degree of success,
also need to have entrepreneurial spirit,
can not be complacent,
we content with staying where one is,
grasp the new opportunities,
continuous innovation,
in order to get more money! Pay attention to entrepreneurship in China,
for you to disclos

Oil price crash Global 200 million

ring ing content,
click the title below IPO we observed about the author: Source: Wall Street information (ID:iMarkets) with the organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) oil production meeting held this week,
global oil supply surplus has become the focus.
Reuters published a series of satellite photos of tanker and oil storage vessel,
highlighting the global oil supply serious congestion: about 200 million barrels of oil was drifting in the sea or parked on the shore.
The following figure is the traffic map of Singapores coastal waters,
and the red spots are dotted with the original tanker,
which shows the traffic congestion.
Note: OPEC,
on Thursday,
ending the meeting without any new agreement on oil production,
will continue to adopt a laissez faire policy,
and Member States say the existing policies have gradually helped restore the balance of supply and demand and boost oi

The advertisement poked 20 million of the graduates into tears

ring ontact QQ:1965667710 graduation is enough sad,
why learn the life always has the highest species choice? Advertising space intakestartling headlines,
advertising to interesting,
your circle is not too messy!

After the book recommended by Milo fat TA sent

ring t,
the Internet knowledge community officially began using Jingdong logistics.
Jingdong logistics Beijing,
Guangzhou three warehouse is responsible for Luo Ji thinking,
all platform stores exclusive customized edition books and storage and distribution of surrounding products.
This is not only logical thinking investment Papi sauce after another heavy message,
but also Jingdong self built warehousing logistics further open another landmark event.
Warehouse Integration amp,
inventory health analysis,
comprehensive upgrading of logistics services,
this thinking and Jingdong logistics cooperation can be described as powerful combination.
The logic of thinking to break out of print edition,
rare books and manual book a large number of high-end income groups.
In the logic of thinking has the exclusive WeChat mall as an example,
in the sale of hundreds of fine books,
2015 annual book

Converge big coffee, why visit a plus mobile phone factory internationalization, quality and personality, leading the manufacturing sector?

ring ic mobile phone industry competition has already been to blood stage,
dont say that every month the number of new machines,
even mobile phone enterprises are sea sails compete force ge.
On the other hand,
it is precisely because of the vitality of Chinas mobile phone companies,
but also become a new landscape of global manufacturing.
On June 2nd -3,
the Converge conference held jointly by F.
ounders and the internationally renowned media,
the Wall Street journal,
was held in Hongkong by the famous conference in the scientific and technological circles.
Its a grand gathering of top elite.
As everyone knows,
the world famous,
jointly organized by the Wall Street journal and F.
ounders international elite gathering CEO from all over the world,
investors and innovators in,
but only by the organizers invited to participate in general,
participants are in business or person i

Recommendation number one, like water, doing things as mountains

ring d be like water,
to the soft,
but also to the first,
to the net,
able to accommodate,
can big mind and tolerance.
There is a pair of antithetical couplet: water only under the sea,
the mountain is not high and self pity.
Act like a mountain.
Because the mountain shaped trend,
according to shape,
tall and straight,
all because of the high.
Xiaobian for you select the following micro signals,
so that your life from this wonderful.
* long press attention selection of two-dimensional code,
two-dimensional code recognition figure.
The car smell ID:chewencom long according to the two-dimensional code recognition to focus on micro signal 50 million riders strongly recommended,
this enough attention Goods are available in all varieties.
! Dont miss,
again recommended political and business forum ID:ourlife1213 long by two-dimensional code recognition concern political

Internet practitioners must read 2016 Internet queen Report

ring ing content,
click on the above topic we concern electricity daily source: Science and technology Tencent,
a financial network over the past 21 years,
the annual Internet trends report Mick has become an important signal within the industry development trend of science and technology major.
In this years report,
Mick tracked intelligent mobile phone sales slowdown,
mobile advertising and advertising intercept growth,
social activities,
video transportation in the future as well as information transmission,
robot and voice assistant service such as the rising trend.
The following is the main point of the report: the number of Internet users worldwide has exceeded 3 billion,
an increase of 9% over the previous year,
and the global Internet penetration rate reached 42%.
India Internet users reached 277 million,
an increase of 40% over the previous year,
more than the United States to bec