Mobile Internet bonus period has passed App, the next growth opportunity hidden here

ring is full of Taobao App for mobile phones.
If you are a product manager,
you need to slim down for the product.
Would you consider first which product features or modules will be removed? This is a question written by Alibaba product manager in 2016.
No matter how the functions of hand washing products change,
there is a seemingly unimportant function that has not been replaced.
The function is daily check-in of gold coins.
Gold coins on-line in December 2009,
is the virtual integration of Taobao.
Gold coin is located in the center of the hand navigation page,
and occupies the same entrance status as Tmall and Juhuasuan.
An almost no need to worry about the daily life of App,
but so much attention to integral operations.
In 2014,
Chen Xiaoliang created a scoring tool.
The founder of the gold coin was dug by Chen Xiaoliang and became a trading partner.
On-line half a year,
the exchange