Up and down five thousand years on Chinese heroes

ring of history rolls forward,
and the progress of human society is rooted in the past.
And those who turn the corner,
eventually end up in self consumption.
But Li Bai said,
lash the waves of water to flow,
drinking more unhappy.
Want to turn over an article,
which is so easy? It just means hes not right.
In fact,
the Chinese nation in the article on this matter,
there is a profound evolution of routines,
learn to block with a hundred,
let your life each encounter bottlenecks are shirupozhu.
The following is to talk about me in Chinese history,
the most will turn to the outstanding figures are what they are special.
The client could not take,
let fall through the battle of Julu,
Xiang Qin is famous the world the glory of war.
As a classic case of win,
Xiang Yu was not only face the problem of few.
He led the army is just ate a big defeat Qin war five residue,
can last what turned agai