[loud] what was it that made him read the Analects of Confucius?

ring lley star Peter Till (Peter Thiel) accused the media gossip about Gawker continues,
even has always been cautious of Jeff Bezos (Jeff Bezos) could not bear to speak,
at the Recode conference,
the electricity supplier giant in expressing some exhortation meaning: continue if you want revenge,
is tantamount to dig two graves.
That one is for you.
Translated into the Analects of Confucius for politics in Confucius is: attack heresy,
have also been injurious.
Bezos also gives some advice about life: if you cant stand criticism,
dont do anything new or interesting.
No matter what you do in the world,
there will always be critics.
You cant stop these criticisms.
Keep moving.
Theres no need to get insomnia for criticism.
Business Insider with the Washington Post,
perhaps Bezos media bosses identity that he attaches great importance to the protection of the freedom of p