Did you have a good time after your marriage? (99 of the women were crying.)

ring  what,
will suddenly confused.
Did you have a good time after your marriage? For him,
left the parents,
brothers and sisters,
followed him to his world,
hard to please his family,
but also with a smile! Will be like a lost child,
subversion of more than 20 years of life.
For him,
he conceived in October,
and gave birth once,
willing to accept the pain he could not imagine,
just for the sake of a child who followed his surname.
Then very realistic,
body deformation,
chest drooping,
he will suddenly abandon? For him,
for the sake of the children,
and even you away from your circle of friends,
said silly three years to have a child,
you are like a silly woman like to serve childrens eating and sleeping at home,
then eagerly waiting for him to come home.
Once you have pride,
you will have a dream,
you have the beautiful flower,
finally you did not do,
no allure,
but you pour all your.
For h