6 year old Russian girl stripped off

ring er wants baby born to be healthy,
healthy and happy lives,
and there was a 6 year old little girl dressed,
seemingly with little girl not what generally is not the same,
but we will not reveal the upper body believe their eyes to see all! Virsaviya Borun-Goncharova is a 6 year old Russian girl with brown eyes and beautiful long hair.
She has many of the interests of girls: ballet and painting.
The girls mother Dari,
painting is no problem,
but the ballet is let her sleep in the night.
For a fall or a trace of error may make her never see her beloved daughter again.
Virsaviya suffers from a rare disease: Cantrell pentalogy (Pentalogy of Cantrell),
which is an important organ growth in vitro.
Such as.
Cardiac exposure! Virsaviya was the missing piece of the sternum and diaphragm,
her heart is outside the ribs.
Because the heart had only thin skin protection,
a slight collision could