A man in Hangzhou who failed a courtship girl's car burn also ask people burned beauty

ring day before yesterday,
WeChat users Zumba hair circle of friends: young people impulse,
set fire to the car,
and the price paid for this is a little big.
Xiao Zhang,
is an employee of a cinema in Hangzhou.
Last year,
Xiao Zhang and Miss Li met at WeChat.
The two of them talked quite a bit and had their first date soon.
Last October 8th,
two people made a second date.
Around 4 in the morning,
two people chatted for more than an hour in front of Miss Lis home.
Xiao Zhang felt that Miss Li was his girlfriend,
but Miss Li didnt think so.
She was anxious to speak clearly with the little chapter,
and the two men quarreled about it.
Miss Li turned to go home,
but she just opened the corridor unit door,
was stopped by a small chapter,
a small chapter also turned a stretch to kick Miss Lee parked on the floor in front of a car battery unit.
Miss Li was angry and frightened.
She ran home an