The Japanese in Shanghai for 8 years and took about 5000000 photos crying

ring  concept of taking 2000 photos every day?! Momoka Hirono started shooting in 08 years,
and now 8 years.
2000 x 8 x 365=584 10000,
horizontal trough! Momoka Hirono was a Japanese and was sent to Shanghai in 1999 as a technical director.
Originally scheduled to stay in China for three years,
the result will be four years,
five years to stay,
fifth years,
the company let me back to Japan,
but I have loved Shanghai,
so I quit the job.
So far,
Momoka Hirono has lived in China for seventeen years.
When he first came to Shanghai,
Momoka Hirono took his camera to live in a foreign land,
but he was not interested in photography at that time.
In February 2008,
he bought a more portable Ricoh GRDII back to Japan,
my life is completely changed.
when I will on the streets of every hue of my income when the camera will obtain the infinite pleasure.
Photography has become a religion for Momoka