Who says Li Ronghao sings a flavor, Jolin changes him

ring er to dance than to dance.
To go to work is better than to dance.
To go to school is better than to dance.
What a ghost! Xiaobian is inexplicable,
hey up ~ ~ ~ to send Kelly Chans better dance,
we feel,
this kind of rhythm all up,
hair thrown up,
thrown up,
thrown up! We come Li Ronghao version of ugly eight strange producer in writing,
it is always his own song style inheritance to the singer,
when ugly eight strange this song just published,
small does not see music,
you can hear the Li Ronghao taste.
In his recent concert at Li Ronghao,
he covered the ugly eight.
Xiaobian I minute points out,
which is the Li Ronghao version,
which is Joker version.
Netizens ridicule # # can sing the original was ok,
before Joker to write ugly eight strange,
to write model themselves,
and now you sing so beautifully,
it is a lovely Boy.
In fact,
many producers always make their own imag

State Press and Publication Administration of radio overweight game supervision

ring game on the line,
it should be reported to the Ministry of culture,
but also to the State Press and Publication Administration of radio and television reported.
The game industry will continue long regulation situation,
reporter Qin min online game industry is booming,
the State Administration of press and Publication Administration of the game increasingly overweight.
Following the February 4th web publishing service management regulations will be included in the scope of game management,
the State Administration of press and publication in June 2nd announced the official website of the notice on the mobile game publishing service management (hereinafter referred to as the notice),
strengthen the supervision of network game.
Notice requirements,
the unit in the game online game publishing services including beta at least 20 working days prior to the State Administration of pre

[loud] what was it that made him read the Analects of Confucius?

ring lley star Peter Till (Peter Thiel) accused the media gossip about Gawker continues,
even has always been cautious of Jeff Bezos (Jeff Bezos) could not bear to speak,
at the Recode conference,
the electricity supplier giant in expressing some exhortation meaning: continue if you want revenge,
is tantamount to dig two graves.
That one is for you.
Translated into the Analects of Confucius for politics in Confucius is: attack heresy,
have also been injurious.
Bezos also gives some advice about life: if you cant stand criticism,
dont do anything new or interesting.
No matter what you do in the world,
there will always be critics.
You cant stop these criticisms.
Keep moving.
Theres no need to get insomnia for criticism.
Business Insider with the Washington Post,
perhaps Bezos media bosses identity that he attaches great importance to the protection of the freedom of p

In the car accident middle school, good Google automatic driving car will now automatically honk

ring ported on June 3rd,
according to foreign media reports,
the Google team recently announced that its automatic car has been able to forward vehicles or pedestrians honking.
Google auto driving is smarter,
now automatically horn,
according to reports,
in the monthly progress report on automatic vehicle development,
Google disclose unmanned vehicles to achieve the horn warning function.
Googles report also pointed out that,
according to different circumstances,
auto driving horn sound is also different.
If a car in front of the car is reversing toward itself,
the unmanned vehicle will issue two shorter whistles,
with a relatively small noise,
as a good gesture to inform the other side of the vehicle.
But in an emergency,
no one can make a long,
long horn.
Google automatic driving car to polite honking,
as Google in the report pointed out,
our goal is to automatically drive a car to be pol

Bar on the richest man Wang Jianlin Wanda is Disney's opponent?

ring above the Tencent finance,
experience more exciting content,
one is from the real estate into a tourist complex,
started from the cartoon animation,
Wanda Group Chairman Wang Jianlin called Disney tiger JiaBuZhu wolves in the collision of the business logic,
Wanda is Disneys rival? This article copyright by Tencent finance pillow finance all,
reprinted please indicate from WeChat number: Pillow Finance (ID: pillowfinance),
and attached to WeChat two-dimensional code.
Or contact us for authorization.
(micro signal: bnu-king) and Disney tore open after Wanda Wanda Group Chairman Wang Jianlin said publicly challenge Disney,
should not be Chinese,
and asserted that Disney in the Chinese unprofitable 20 years later,
Wanda and Disney around the theme park you come to me to carry out several rounds of confrontation.
The face of Wang Jianlins not good and then Nanchang Wanda city o

Mistresses are losing their jobs

ring he top concern,
Tencent finance,
to experience more exciting content,
lead Chinas second mistress village status: depression,
mistresses are unemployed.
The man was gone again,
the purse was empty again,
and the house changed again.
Mistresses are unemployed,
they are like a kind of property attached to the wealthy businessmen,
facing the risk of being stripped at any time.
According to the electronic newspaper on June 1st news: basic salary China rising,
plus strike,
sabotage events such as news,
Taiwanese investment in the mainland,
the business environment has deteriorated,
had become a choice.
by the export processing industry under the impact of migration,
known as little Hongkong reputation of the Guangdong Dongguan Zhangmutou town market become depressed,
even has always been famous in the Pearl River Delta kept woman village is becoming extinct,

Real estate is really crazy

ring above the Tencent finance,
experience more exciting content: following the May madness after a fierce battle,
the first day of the property market in June will usher in the reign of terror! Less than a months time,
Shanghai land auction guaranteed price of the most expensive land of the crown was three degree change! People all over the country have pleaded,
you think only Shanghai western style! We also see the king every day when we open our eyes! Among them are Nanjing,
and even Taiyuan and Dongguan! Shanghai property market,
very thin Si fear: the Liu Xiaobo Shanghai market once again came the big news on the morning of June 1st,
the land auction,
a residential and commercial land Baoshan District Gu village to ultra expensive XinDa estate into bad debts.
Among them,
the sale of commercial housing floor price reached 48 thousand and 100 yuan

Mobile Internet bonus period has passed App, the next growth opportunity hidden here

ring is full of Taobao App for mobile phones.
If you are a product manager,
you need to slim down for the product.
Would you consider first which product features or modules will be removed? This is a question written by Alibaba product manager in 2016.
No matter how the functions of hand washing products change,
there is a seemingly unimportant function that has not been replaced.
The function is daily check-in of gold coins.
Gold coins on-line in December 2009,
is the virtual integration of Taobao.
Gold coin is located in the center of the hand navigation page,
and occupies the same entrance status as Tmall and Juhuasuan.
An almost no need to worry about the daily life of App,
but so much attention to integral operations.
In 2014,
Chen Xiaoliang created a scoring tool.
The founder of the gold coin was dug by Chen Xiaoliang and became a trading partner.
On-line half a year,
the exchange

Former England striker Manchester United will play an important role in the national team

ring United fans network Oh can subscribe according to Goal.
com news,
the former England striker Heskey believes Manchester United duo of Rush Forde and Smolin in the 2016 European Cup will become an important part of the team.
Details please click to read the original.
! Welcome to the United fans net official WeChat menu bar Manchester United news information to obtain first-hand information to register Manchester United fans can be registered as a member,
and fifty thousand Reds fans interact more chance to get the official version of the United players Signed Jersey (including club official certificate).
Click to read the original text only for you not to miss more content,
micro signal WWWMUREDSCOM long,
according to identify two-dimensional code,
pay attention to us

Leicester City tactics analyst Jose Manchester United will reach high levels

ring United fans network Oh can subscribe according to thepeoplesperson news,
Leicester City tactical analyst Adam Sadler said that Manchester United next season under Mourinho will reach a high level.
The details please click to read the original.
! Welcome to the United fans net official WeChat menu bar Manchester United news information to obtain first-hand information to register Manchester United fans can be registered as a member,
and fifty thousand Reds fans interact more chance to get the official version of the United players Signed Jersey (including club official certificate).
Click to read the original text only for you not to miss more content,
micro signal WWWMUREDSCOM long,
according to identify two-dimensional code,
pay attention to us

Up and down five thousand years on Chinese heroes

ring of history rolls forward,
and the progress of human society is rooted in the past.
And those who turn the corner,
eventually end up in self consumption.
But Li Bai said,
lash the waves of water to flow,
drinking more unhappy.
Want to turn over an article,
which is so easy? It just means hes not right.
In fact,
the Chinese nation in the article on this matter,
there is a profound evolution of routines,
learn to block with a hundred,
let your life each encounter bottlenecks are shirupozhu.
The following is to talk about me in Chinese history,
the most will turn to the outstanding figures are what they are special.
The client could not take,
let fall through the battle of Julu,
Xiang Qin is famous the world the glory of war.
As a classic case of win,
Xiang Yu was not only face the problem of few.
He led the army is just ate a big defeat Qin war five residue,
can last what turned agai

10 quick overnight can eat pickled cabbage

ring  kimchi is not only a special kind of porridge,
but also a perfect appetizer.
You will find many ingredients and pickles,
pickled cabbage need long time to complete the marinade.
In fact,
homemade pickled cabbage super quickly,
most only overnight fix,
2 minutes to complete the more rapid version! For you today 10 of these,
the reading will be able to do tomorrow morning,
eat porridge and pickles,
right? Three maintenance methods to teach you today will be pickled cabbage jar,
worth yo ~ - Honey Lemon pickled fresh vegetables -- ByPan microwave Xiaoyue two minutes,
pickled cabbage is delicious! With a faint lemon scent,
its really refreshing.
-- -- all materials can be eaten raw vegetables 200 grams of lemon 2-3 cold boiled water 1 cup white vinegar 3 tablespoon honey 2 tablespoons of salt,
black pepper,
practice -- vegetables cut into small easy entrance,
put a few slices of lemon.
I u

Did you have a good time after your marriage? (99 of the women were crying.)

ring  what,
will suddenly confused.
Did you have a good time after your marriage? For him,
left the parents,
brothers and sisters,
followed him to his world,
hard to please his family,
but also with a smile! Will be like a lost child,
subversion of more than 20 years of life.
For him,
he conceived in October,
and gave birth once,
willing to accept the pain he could not imagine,
just for the sake of a child who followed his surname.
Then very realistic,
body deformation,
chest drooping,
he will suddenly abandon? For him,
for the sake of the children,
and even you away from your circle of friends,
said silly three years to have a child,
you are like a silly woman like to serve childrens eating and sleeping at home,
then eagerly waiting for him to come home.
Once you have pride,
you will have a dream,
you have the beautiful flower,
finally you did not do,
no allure,
but you pour all your.
For h

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ring t completely satisfactory life difficult everywhere friends do not compete with each other with sincerity in all to fit properly than housing than the size to warm the body than fat to health and wealth than how to be thrifty car than to get fame looks ugly than May you be safe throughout the journey.
to balance the mentality than to a luxury life this is a few truth,
if you also think that it must be for everyone to see! Source: Network